A girls' primary school located in Laghman province (eastern Afghanistan) was torched at night. There were about 850 copies of the Quran in the school's library, all of which were destroyed. Nangyalai Seddiqi, the district governor, stated that the fire was set by drug addicts and theives that attempted to rob the school. Investigations are still ongoing. There have been many cases where Taliban militants have attacked girls' school since the Taliban are against the idea of allowing Afghan girls attend school. This school that was burned down was built by an American provincial reconstruction team. UNICEF estimated that about 2 million Afghan girls are attending school since schools began reopening after the Islamist regime toppled. It is common that young schoolgirls, female-only educational facilities, and their teachers have been viciously attacked. Some of the ways they have been targetted are through poisoning, murder, and arson.