Tuesday, October 5, 2010

U.S. Soldiers Killing Civilians and Keeping Body Parts

Twelve U.S. soldiers are faced with charges for killing three unarmed Afghan civilians. Five of the soldiers are being charged for the actual murders while the other seven are charged for helping with the coverup. The soldiers that did the killing were under the influence from smoking hashish and some were said to have brain damage from IED attacks. The sadistic soldiers were lead by Sgt. Calvin Gibbs.

Overview of what the soldiers did:
  • throwing grenades and shooting at civilians (separate incidents)
  • forcing an Afghan man out of his house and then shooting him
  • kept finger and leg bones as well as a tooth as souveniors
  • kept a skull from the corpse
  • taking pictures with them stabbing the corpse
One of the victim was Mullah Allah Dad, 45, a poppy farmer. He was at home with his wife and children sipping tea when a group of American soldiers in tanks came. The victim's wife, Mora, describes the incident:

“In a minute I heard shooting,” she said. “I saw my husband face down, and a black American stood next to him. Another soldier pushed me away. They pushed me back into the house and the interpreter made me go inside one of the rooms."
"Minutes after that I heard an explosion...I rushed out of that inner room and out the gate and the translator was telling me to stop, but I did not pay any attention, and then I saw my husband, my husband was burning.”

The soldiers claimed that Mullah Allah Dad was armed with a grenade and that it went off and he was killed. Mullah Allah Dad was unarmed and had no link to the Taliban.